Welcome to Cooking with Chef Jeff

Hi and welcome to my blog. Here you'll find meal ideas that are made from primarily whole natural foods. I try not to use any sugar or sweetener in any of the recipes. At the bottom of the page, you can see a list of the cookbooks that I use. I do vary some from the cookbooks, usually not a whole lot. Feel free to read along and even post some ideas/comments to help me to improve in the kitchen.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chocolate Milk

Well, I know you can buy chocolate milk in the store, but have you looked at the sugar content? Same thing if you buy syrup or powder to make your own. This is my version of it. It doesn't taste the same, but if you like cocoa (like I do) and like creamy goodness (again, which I do), then this is a great alternative. Notice the nice foamy head on the chocolate milk and also notice the wonderful glass that it's in. :o) Of course I have to show off my birthday present from my kids (and it's a great excuse to remind all football fans that that Packers are the best team in the NFL).

8 oz unsweetened coconut milk (I like So Delicious brand Unsweetened)
4 oz heavy whipping cream
1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder

1. Mix in blender and enjoy.

I guess if you want to, you could add some fake sugar (stevia, splenda, or any of the knock-off that are out there today) and it would taste more like the sugary stuff you are used to. I prefer the cocoa-y creamy taste w/out the sugar (real or fake).

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